
“For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing”

Scammers, nowadays, are all over the web and use the most diverse fraud schemes to steal your money, ranging from the classical “Ponzi scheme” to more recent IT scams based on cryptocurrencies.

After dwelling in the dark web for years after their inception, serving right from their origin as an untraceable currency for payments among criminals, cryptocurrencies have now reached the surface Internet and many of the scammers using it, have surfaced too.

As a consequence, the number of new scams over the Internet has increased dramatically.

Most of the scammers found on the surface Internet are just underdogs in search for a way to make it to the end of the month, however, their scam might sometimes find a way to leverage the illegal allure of something belonging to everybody’s modern life and that is exactly when their scam gets more chances to succeed.

We are a P.I. agency and have been hired by a philanthropist to nail one of these modern-time cryptocurrency scammers and expose them on the Internet.

Our client’s purpose in hiring us was double:

  1. to provide a warning to people that, after decades from its origin, the Internet is still a jungle and, at the same time,
  2. give them testimony that although there are men who voluntarily embrace and spread evil, there also are other men who, without getting anything in return and for the sole love of neighbor, actually and actively do something to prevent evil from flourishing.

So, in order to fulfill our client’s mandate, we took action on what we believe to be an outright scam and not only we nailed the scammer, but also got a whopping three birds with only one stone.

To know more about our operation, please visit “the bust” section as well as the other “THE www.ss7.dev SCAM”, “THE www.ineedhack.com SCAM” and “THE www.securedhacks.com SCAM” sections of this website.


Make sure you do not miss all the details about the pathetic and naive evolution of this scam, by browsing the “THE www.ss7.dev SCAM changed skin!” page!

ss7.dev a proven scam changing skin

The Russian assholes behind this changed sking for the third time in a row, this time with a domain name redirect, after we keep on exposing them! X-D
Make sure you do not miss the latest news about those assholes, by browsing the “The wws.ss7.dev SCAM now becomes the www.sms-txt.net SCAM” page!

sms-txt.net a proven scam changing skin

FOURTH change of skin of the now-truly-desperate Russian ASSHOLES X-D:

www.ss7.dev + www.sms-txt.net = CERTIFIED SCAM